Mikhail Ivanovich Tereshchenko

At last I found him! Mikhail Ivanovich Tereshchenko (Russian: Михаи́л Ива́нович Тере́щенко), Finance Minister of the Kerenski Russian Provisional Government . Lawyer, art collector, publisher, businessman, mason . John Grosvenor Beevor, head of SOE in Portugal,…
José António BarreirosJanuary 1, 2020
Sir Marcus John Cheke

Sir Marcus John Cheke . Married Constance Elizabeth Lopes. Honorary Attaché at the British Embassy, Lisbon, 1931–34 and at Brussels 1934–37; Press Attaché, Lisbon, 1938–42; attached to the Staff of the Lisbon Embassy with the local rank of…
José António BarreirosOctober 27, 2019
Führer Directive 18 Operation Felix

FÜHRER'S HEADQUARTERS November 12, 1940. TOP SECRET MILITARY The Führer and Supreme Commander of the Wehrmacht WFSt/Abt. L(I) No. 33 356/40 g. K. Chefs By officer only DIRECTIVE No. 18 The measures of…
José António BarreirosOctober 20, 2019
Leslie Howard’s death

Carlos Eduardo Bleck, Portuguese air pilot, stated in his book of memoirs that he was the last person to shake hands with the actor Leslie Howard before Ibis of KLM/BOAC left for its last travel…
José António BarreirosSeptember 26, 2019
Glenalmond: MI6 Section V

Section V of MI6 was housed in St.Albans: "Kim" Philby worked in the Iberian Section and his deputy Graham Greene in the Portuguese desk.
José António BarreirosSeptember 14, 2019